Wordless Wednesday


Who Let the Dogs Out?? 

Linked up to Mama to4 Blessings

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Summer Celebration {Guest Giveaway} Day 13

Paris Goes to San Francisco & Paris Goes to Lake Tahoe

Next up from A Little Bit of Everything and My Friend Paris Paris is a typical 12-year-old girl living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She enjoys musical theater, guitar, and going to the movies with her friends. She has inspired four books currently in print and is working on five additional titles involving children’s travel to New York, France, Italy and Hawaii. I was able to review some of the books.  My kids are thoroughly enjoying them.   They are loving the travels.  The books do give a great overview of the popular sites in the cities.  I was able to read about San Francisco and Lake Tahoe.  The illustration is fabulous.  It is bright and colorful.  It shows the best of each attraction, but does not get bogged down in the details.  The author on this is a 14 year old girl named Paris.  She started writing, and has more books in the process.  I am excited to get more of the books for my daughter.  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

****Disclosure I was given one or more products to review. The opinions and comments are entirely my own

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Enter To Win A $50 iTunes Gift Card

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Free Stuff for Momma and Baby {Win Free Diapers}

Free Stuff for Momma and Baby 

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