Adding a sewing project for Mom

Alright, so I have been searching the web this morning trying to find some projects for ending the winter season and the beginning of spring. I found this idea.

And instantly thought- what an easy project for the kids to do and better yet it would be so useful.

This idea came from Merwing. Look about half way down the list of pictures and you will see this. They also have a project for make your own fleece covers for Swiffer mops, which I love. (just from the picture I think we can figure this one out)

For some reason these items were on sale and I bought them a long while back. Well, I soon found out that refills were too much on our budget so they have been hibernating in the closet.

And soon I get to take them out so they see the daylight once again. I am amazed a bit at finding this. Amazed by the fact that such little things can become a learning and teaching experiences. Maybe the kids will clean a bit more too since they did make it. I will not hold my breath on that one.

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1 Response to Adding a sewing project for Mom

  1. Thanks for posting this! A friend of ours just bought some of these at a craft sale and paid a fortune for them. I was hoping we would be able to make them ourselves. Hopefully I am not too sewing challenged for this. šŸ™‚

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