Menu for the Week

Again a day late on this one. But so much to do so little time. Today is the day I am going to try using dried beans. I buy them all the time because I hear people say it is a cheap way to go. But then I pack them away in our pantry drawer basically waiting for our next science experiment that calls for a dried bean. So last night I finally broke down and got two bags open and soaking!

For reasons I can not explain it is still a bit intimidating.. Just now I put them through their final rinse and short soak and into the crockpot they are gonna go. I suppose this is a bad time for me to attempt trying something new. I promised a hot hearty soup and today’s temperatures are going to plummet. Yesturday was a beautiful 39 degrees and today it is to go down to -20.

I am also going to make a loaf of homemade bread today for this special experiment, err I mean meal. I wish that the bread was thought of yesturday, I would love to have done a sourdough starter. If I can’t find a recipe online for a quick version- then we will be stuck with just a regular loaf. Which I suppose is fine.

What I am upset about is that about five years ago I recieved a breadmaker for a gift, well I went looking for it at the start of my being frugal kick and the thing has disappeared. So should be fun trying to do everything the “old-fashioned” way. I guess it is a blessing since that is the way the kids should learn to make bread.

Anyhow, on with this weeks menu:


Breakfast: Cereal and fruit

Lunch: Leftover Chicken Sandwhiches (the last of Sundays meal), mashed potato cups, corn, and corn muffin

Dinner: Mixed Bean and Italian Sausage Soup(It is gonna be a huge batch) and bread. Individual Apple Pies


Breakfast: Oatmeal with their choice of dried fruit and toast

Lunch: Leftover Soup and bread.

Dinner: Homemade Macaroni and Cheese and some sort of bread or biscuits. And Brownies (from scatch)


Breakfast: Again Oatmeal and fruit (still gonna be cold so gotta keep those kids warm)

Lunch: Leftover Mac & Cheese and bread or biscuits

Dinner: Hamburgers and french fries. We will make some kind of cookies for dessert

Friday (Family Movie Night = snack all night after dinner)

Breakfast: Cereal, Milk, and toast.

Lunch: Sandwiches and fresh fruit and veggies.

Dinner: Make your own pizza night! Each child gets 1 can of pop. No dessert.


Breakfast: Oatmeal and fruit with english muffins

Lunch: Sandwhiches and chips. Fruit

Dinner: Leftover Soup and another loaf of homemade bread (the leftover soup I will have frozen) And probably make special popcorn (leaving that to the kids)


Breakfast: Egg Mcmuffins (Yes homemade) and fresh fruit

Lunch: Any leftovers that might be left- if none, sandwhiches and fresh veggies

Dinner: Spaghetti & Meatballs, Italian garlic bread. I am thinking of making cupcakes today so that will be dessert.

So I think that is it for the week. As I finish up planning it I am a bit disappointed that it is not a better planned weeks worth of meals. This showed me I need to try harder next week.

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4 Responses to Menu for the Week

  1. Paula in MN says:

    I found your blog through Dawn’s at By Sun and Candlelight. I’d love to know how the dried beans worked out. I buy them all-the-time and still haven’t used them. And I’m very curious as to where you live — are you in MN? I am, and we had 39 on Monday and 20 below on Tuesday, and about 40 below today!

  2. Summer Fae says:

    How did it work out? You have inspired me to post next week’s menu. I will post it after I finish it.

  3. Summer Fae says:

    Hi I tagged you with a meme.

  4. Firefly mom says:

    It took me years before I got up the nerve to cook with dried beans, and now I do it all the time. My son’s favorite bean soup uses cannellini beans (any white bean will do), diced onion, garlic, veggie stock, grated carrots and zucchini. After it cooks for an hour or so on the stove, use an immersion blender to blend it all. Ladle it into bowls, throw in a handful of grated italian cheese and voila!

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