Monthly Archives: January 2008

Some of Our Valentine’s Day Unit

As promised he is some of the things I have created for our Valentines Day unit. Valentines Day Word Pocket Valentines Day Word List (blank) Valentines Day Yes/No Cards (2 of them) Valentines Telling Time Worksheets (2 of them) Valentines … Continue reading

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It’s Been a Long Weekend

We have finally got our shopping done and our chicken is now baking away in the oven. So I thought it is time to begin planning for next week. This past weekend we have been getting our craft supplies organized … Continue reading

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Filling my daughters request

My daughter was supposed to working on her health schoolwork, but just came to me and said “Can we make our own snacks today”. Well, how can I turn down a learning oppertunity. So she is now banging around in … Continue reading

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The Start of Iditarod Unit

Here are the pages I have created for our Iditarod Unit. I will be creating more and will add them as I finish. Hopefully these will be useful. Our Cover Our Calendar Set Mitten Alpha & Number Match Our Writing … Continue reading

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