Menu Plans

I am starting with Wednesday. I seem to be trying to get things back on track around here, but I think I need one extra day before I commit to anything..


B-easy homemade pancakes, juice (fresh fruit will be used to top these pancakes)

L-Hot Dog Hash (yes I know Hotdogs ewww, but it is going to be a rough week-I haven’t done our monthly shopping trip yet), fruit, and milk.

D-15-Minute Stroganoff, corn, and bread


B- French Toast and fruit

L-Hoagie Sandwiches, carrots, and fruit.

D-Good as Gold Chicken (Like KFC’s & Boston’s), mashed taters and gravy, green beans, and fresh baked rolls


B- cereal (hot or cold)

L-Leftovers from the last two nights dinners

D- homade pizza, salad, and breadsticks

Saturday and Sunday will have to wait for now. I need to think about it since I should be doing the dreaded shopping trip Saturday morning..

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1 Response to Menu Plans

  1. Summer Fae says:

    Welcome back my friend!!! I have missed ‘seeing’ you around.

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