Review: First Things First by Kurt & Brenda Warner

First Things First

by Kurt & Brenda Warner

List Price:
24.99 Discount


July 2009 Status

From Amazon Website:

Kurt Warner is the two-time NFL MVP–winning quarterback of the Arizona Cardinals. Brenda Warner is an ex-Marine turned stay-at-home Mom who collects coats for low-income kids and rocks babies to sleep at a center for chronically ill infants. Together they’re the parents of seven children, going into their thirteenth year of marriage. Their formula for success? They put First Things First—faith, family, and giving to others—it’s their family motto, and it drives everything they do. First Things First is an honest, entertaining, and insightful look at life inside the Warner house. Kurt and Brenda speak candidly about their marriage, the values they’re working to instill in their kids, things they’ve done right, mistakes they’ve made, the importance of giving back, and the legacy they hope to leave behind. Kurt Warner fans will enjoy this behind-the-scenes look into the Warner family daily life. Includes 16 pages of color photos.

Author Bio:

Kurt and Brenda Warner met when she was a divorced mother of two, living on food stamps and putting herself through nursing school, and he was a college student. Kurt and Brenda married in 1997 and Kurt adopted Brenda’s two children. Since then, they have added 5 more children to their family. After graduating from Northern Iowa in 1994, Kurt was signed by the Green Bay Packers, but was cut during training camp. He returned to Northern Iowa to work as an assistant football coach, working the night shift at a local Hy–Vee grocery store to support Brenda and her two kids, until he was signed by the St. Louis Rams in 1998. Kurt went on to lead the Rams in two Super Bowls, winning two NFL MVP awards (in 1999 and 2000). In 2008, Kurt joined the Arizona Cardinals, and led the franchise to their first playoff appearance in 10 years, and their first Super Bowl appearance. Kurt and Brenda are strong Christians, and the founders of First Things First, a foundation that promotes Christian values, helping the less fortunate, and encouraging others to put faith and family first. They live in Phoenix, Arizona.

I loved reading this because I have as odd but interesting connection to Kurt Warner that I came to learn because of this book! Way back I lived in Cedar Falls, Iowa and just down the street was a grocery store and guess who worked there! Yep Kurt. I love that I got to experience a personal connection to the story-that made it different from any other book I have ever read.

Even without that this was a really good read. I loved some of the disciplin techniques used. Especially the hold hands,cheek to cheek, lip to lip. I laughed so hard but then thought what a creative way to do things. And now I plan on using it with my kids.

I love the way this book is written. It is so down to earth. Struggles and triumphs. I love how it is told from both sides-two different views. I also liked the inclusion of personal pictures. Makes them true to life people not just a bunch of hype.

I hope that you all get a chance to read this book. I really enjoyed it.

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