EdenFantasys: Sharing one of my purchases and much more


Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store
If you think that Edenfantasys is just a sex store that I would not purchase from, you would be very wrong. I love many of the sensual products that they offer. Here is an example of one of the more unique items I purchased.

This is the Chemistry bubble bath set:  Sensual bath by Kheper Games. My husband and I wrote a review on it over at Edenfantasys. I will say that the product didn’t live up to my expectations but   the test tubes are reseable so that I can fill them with my favorite color and scented bubble bath. And yet I have not been able to find this kind of thing in any store that I have gone to.

Edenfantasys is bursting with alive these days. With all the new clubs and workshops they are starting. For example on March 7th they have a great sounding workshop called “D.I.Y. Body Products (Massage Candles and Sugar Scrub)”.  Also on the 7th is the “Eden Gives Back Club Meeting”.

Both of these I will be trying to attend, but there are so much more scheduled before and after March 7th. There is even a “Cooking Club” that is starting up soon and a “Healthy Lives” Club that has already had its first meeting.

The people involved are absolutely wonderful, and so eager to help out. The ideas that begin flowing when everyone gets to gether is an amazing sight. I urge you to come and check it out and see what you learn or even better see if you can get involved and teach someone a thing or two.

Changing pace again, I have bought some wonderful lingerie from EdenFantasys. There are some wonderful items available. It really is a place of all things.  The things you can purchase can be as innocent as a pair of socks, seriously I am not kidding, to outrageous toys and everything in between.

There are videos that are now being added by some members to help you in seeing the product, no not the videos you are thinking of (well there might be but i have yet to come across one), these videos show can be so helpful by the person talking about tips and tricks to make your decision on purchasing so much easier.

I really hope that through all my boasting that you really do go over and check it out.


Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

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