Book Review: It All Began with a Bean

It All Began with a Bean

Author: Katie McKy
Illustrated by: Tracy Hill
Age Range: 4 to 8
32 pages

About the book (from Katie’s website)

“What happens when, one day, a dropped bean is devoured by ten flies, and hundreds of dogs eat cheese fallen from a truck, and thousands of runners begin gulping air, and all the people at home that morning have eggs for breakfast, and then they all fart at once? This hilarious book answers that intriguing question, as readers learn of the after-effects of the world’s biggest fart.”

Our Experience:

I have to be honest here, what kid wouldn’t love a book dedicated to any bodily function? The second the kids read the first page, the book “It All Began with a Bean” became their number one favorite book this year.

The kids laughed hysterically, especially when I had to read it aloud. I do love the fact that this book provided a platform to learning about the human body. I also love that the kids went to reading it on their own countless times.

The boys even went so far as to asking for potato chips, eggs, beans, and pop for dinner after reading the book for the first time.

This has been a wonderful book to get the kids more involved in reading on their own. I would recommend this to all because we know the kids will sit through a story about farting.

Before I list some activities and printables, I would like to spotlight a website to use for learning about digestion. If you would like to learn about digestion a wonderful site I use is Discovery Kids Yuckiest Website. The digestion page is located here.

And another interactive site is Kids Health. Located here is where they answer the question “What’s a Fart?” On this page you can even click to hear a fart. They have an enormous amount of information on the digestive system and how it works. You can click here for the main page on the digestive system.

A Curriculum Guide for Grades 2 & 3 (PDF file) This has some fun experiments for the kids in it.
Roll Through the Digestive System! Game Board (PDF File)
Go Fish for Fiber (PDF File) Cardgame
Teachers Guide to the Digestive System (PDF File)
Visual of Digestive System from National Geographic
Bean Facts (Includes a cooking beans video) This site is for kids.
Here is a Exercise Activity called “Beans” this can be changed to suit your needs.

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