AM I A "Supermom"???? HECK NO!!!!! PLEASE HELP!

With Christmas closing in (way too quickly in my opinion) it has been one struggle after another. I am sure everyone has gone through these “Bad Luck Spells”, and honestly I am tired of mine! It has been going on for months. Wearing me down to the point where I am beginning to think “Why even bother!”

I have been trying to look on the bright side of things, but the only bright side I can find anymore, is looking out the window (if I open the curtains) and the sun is out. So, I sit here thinking “Where to go from here?” Hmmm… that is a good in-depth thought provoking question, especially with a whole new year approaching.

I know I have a complex with trying to take on wayyyyyy more than I can handle, I stress over EVERYTHING! But then with financial issues being a huge part of the worries- I can’t see not being stressed.

Going from blog to blog lately, trying to figure out how these “Supermoms” can do it ALL!  I looked for the secret to being one of those Supermoms-it still eludes me. I figure breaking down some of my daily events might help me, so bare with me-through all this:

Besides the cleaning (which I am so far behind in in the house) I am responsible for (2)- 6 apartment unit building caretaking (this includes cleaning up outside and in of these buildings.  Let me add that half the people are real slobs and don’t care who has to clean up after them.

I also have to do the lawn care/snow removal for these two buildings: Hey, did you know Minnesota is going to be getting dumped on tomorrow! And the nice landlord has left me with one messed up shovel and a broken snowblower. Mind you it takes 4-6 hours just to do the parking lot WITH the snowblower.

Shall I let everyone know that I only receive $40.00/month for the lawn-mowing and 100.00/month for snow removal. And another 100.00/ month for the caretaking of both building. I took the old adage of “You gotta do what you gotta do to make things work”. We really do need the extra money BUT for these prices and trying to fit in time to do it, is almost NOT worth it. AM I wrong thinking this is close to slave labor???

Throw in the new E-BAY endeavour as well. I can not believe what it takes to pull that off. Again, the old adage of “You gotta do what you have to do” steps in. But “All For The Family” has done a little bit of business, selling mostly kids books. I am trying to get a little bit of everything listed.

Anyway, I have to cook two dinners every night because my husband picked up a job (Thank God!) as a seasonal worker. This is coming to an end in about two weeks, but I  am thankful nonetheless.  Two dinners have to be made, one for him when he gets off the night shift and one for the rest of the family at normal dinner time. (We won’t get into how picky some of my kids are on I appease them)

I would love to hear how others manage, you know normal people. I just don’t think throwing on my sons cape is going to help at this point. Any ideas?

Thanks for sticking through my confusion and self-pity. Looking forward to any responses!

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