MIA!! Due to the FANTASTIC Warm Weather =Nature Walks & Picnics

The unseasonably warm weather caused me to stop blogging and spend lots of time out with the kids! The weather here has been unusual to say the least. Minnesota having temps in the mid to high 70’s is almost unbelievable for March.

We took time to have lunch outdoors. Here is a few pictures I thought I would share.

I swear I can’t get a perfect picture of any of my kids. They plan it this way to aggrivate me!

He was caught off gaurd in this one. Or maybe he just doesn’t like his sandwhich?
Hmm I wonder, which?

Here is another sneak attack of the camera!


Well, at least she did smile when I asked her to.

She HATES pictures!

The next day I was able to take Cheeky Monkey out for his first nature walk. I decided I would let him run free! (with a very watchful eye on him at ALL times!) He had such a blast exploring. I am so excited for what this Spring and Summer are going to bring.

 Cheeky is checking out the texture of the tree. He seemed to love touching everything he could


He loved running about. Cheeky never wanted to stop! 

 He did take a small break to get his lil buddy “baby Garfield”

 Here I told him it was a “Fairy Hole/House”. He is checking out!

Cheeky loved being all “grown-up” and allowed to walk some trails on his own.

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