THREE (3) Mail In Rebates & MORE!

I am only spotlighting actual offers and freebies, I am not one to send in for a rebate when the company offers money back if not satisfied. I believe that is fraud if you take advantage of a program like that, and if it is done to often we will see these kinds of offers become extinct.
One close example is the Nutella lawsuit, now granted I have and WILL continue to buy this product BUT just because they had to settle and offered up to five jars free (I think totaling $20.00) does NOT mean everyone should do it.
Receive a free Organic Gardening Magazine Subscription ($23.94 value), when you purchase any two Annie’s products.

To receive this offer, mail completed certificate and other required items. See mail in rebate/offer form for more details. Allow 8-10 weeks for delivery of rebate

I was able to find a tear-pad that not only had the magazine subscription form, but also a coupon for 50 cents/two. So keep your eyes out for these tear-pads on displays within the store. I think mine was found in the Cottage Grove Rainbow Foods Grocery Store.

There are also some coupons (32 coupons) available via their Facebook website. Rainbow Foods doubles coupons up to $1.00 every Wednesday and Saturday (up to 5 coupons), some of these coupons could lead to very cheap stuff for the kids.

You can find out all about Annie’s wonderful product line here. There are many ways to keep up-to-date about these products:

Newsletter Sign-up

Facebook: There is a promotion going on “NOM YOUR MOM” on their Facebook page. This contest ends May 13th. Prize Details

Three winners will each win two Annie’s prize packs valued at $50. Prize packs include:
3 bottles of salad dressing
2 boxes of mac and cheese
2 boxes of crackers
1 box of cookies
1 bottle of BBQ sauce
1 bottle of mustard
2 boxes of fruit snacks
1 box of granola bars
Contest Instructions
Complete the entry form, upload a photo of you and your mom, & include a caption of your favorite Annie’s memory with her.



What is guilt free candy?
Candy that is very, very low in calories, contains NO sugar, fat, sodium or gluten.

At ICC our number one priority is to have great tasting products that are guilt free. We’ve accomplished this by utilizing very high quality ingredients including expensive real like flavors. All of our candy contains Xylitol, a natural (non-sugar) sweetener along with Splenda. Also, most of our candy contains real fruit juices to enhance the flavor.

We make a full line of sugar-free kids candy called Too Tarts SmartChoice established in 1996, and two great lines of adult candies – Sinfully Delicious and Cheaters. All of our candy is made right here in the USA creating American jobs. So how’s business? Sweeeet!

Receive a free T-Shirt, when you send in 6 of the 12 stickers on the Collector’s Card or send in all 12 stickers for the T-shirt, 6 bottles of Too Tarts spray candy and get the collector’s card returned autographed by the dudes.

To receive this offer, mail completed certificate and other required items. See mail in rebate/offer form for more details. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

Roman Meal Offers

Keep Track of Your Whole Grain Intake and Your Steps at the Same Time

Get a free multi-function pedometer when you send in six proofs of purchase. Experts advise walking 10,000 steps a day. This pedometer will keep track of every step you take. It will also tell you calories burned, distance traveled, and has an alarm.Offer good while supplies last.

Purchase six (6) or more Roman Meal® products and receive a free multi-function pedometer (while supplies last).

Submit six (6) UPC symbols from any combination of Roman Meal® products along with a 3 x 5 piece of paper with your printed complete name, street address, city, state and zip code and the words “Free Pedometer”. Mail the required UPC symbols and your request together to: Centurion Marketing, Dept. Awards, P.O. Box 111059, Tacoma, WA, 98411-1059. Please allow 10-12 weeks for delivery. Offer good only in U.S.A. Limit two (2) pedometers per household. Offer valid while supplies last.

Pounds Will Just Walk Away

Get the free Leslie Sansone Workout DVD, Walk Away the Pounds, with four proofs of purchase. Leslie’s DVD will show you how to walk off extra pounds indoors so you don’t have to worry about the weather. She is a recognized expert in creating fitness programs for everyone.

Purchase four (4) or more Roman Meal® products and receive a free Leslie Sansone Walking Workout DVD (while supplies last).
Submit four (4) UPC symbols from any combination of Roman Meal® products for each DVD requested, along with a 3 x 5 piece of paper with your printed complete name, street address, city, state and zip code and the words “Walk DVD”. Mail the required UPC symbols and your request together to: Centurion Marketing, Dept. Awards, P.O. Box 111059, Tacoma, WA, 98411-1059. Please allow 10-12 weeks fordelivery. Offer good only in U.S.A. Limit four (4) DVDs per household. Offer valid while supplies last.

10 Proofs of Purchase to the Secret of Svelte

With 10 proofs of purchase, join the battle. Dr. Pamela Peeke, a physician and weight loss expert has written this easy-to-follow guide, Fight Fat After Forty. She’s been on the Today Show, Oprah, and is recognized for her down-to-earth, easy-to-follow approach to food and exercise. She believes in whole grains like us, so we’re happy to make her book available to you.

Purchase ten (10) or more Roman Meal® products and receive a free copy of Dr. Pamela Peeke’s best selling book, “Fight Fat After Forty” (while supplies last).

Submit ten (10) UPC symbols from any combination of Roman Meal® products along with a 3 x 5 piece of paper with your printed complete name, street address, city, state and zip code and the words “Fight Fat Book”. Mail the required UPC symbols and your request together to: Centurion Marketing, Dept. Awards, P.O. Box 111059, Tacoma, WA, 98411-1059. Please allow 10-12 weeks for delivery. Offer good only in U.S.A. Limit two (2) books per household. Offer valid while supplies last.

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