REVIEW: Genesis Today’s Power Rangers Samurai Power Blast Juice

As a parent, you try all you can to keep your kids safe from harm and keeping them healthy. My kids have always been very big juice drinkers. While this may sound like a great thing, learning that some of the leading brands of juices available were actually not as healthy as first thought was shocking. 


My kids were thrilled when they found out we were going to be the recipients of 4 packs of Power Rangers Samari Juice Boxes. They recieved (2) 6-packs that showcased both available flavors; the Power Rangers Samurai Blueberry Power Blast and the Power Rangers Samurai Berry Power Blast. 


Upon arrival, the kids tore open the box to find another absolute favorite thing- packing peanuts! Yes, they were excited little buggers, not only did they get juice boxes, they got a medium size box full of packing peanuts to play with later on.

We all decided to wait until snack/free time to begin the taste-testing. The consensus at the end was that they preferred the Power Rangers Samurai Berry Power Blast to the Power Rangers Samurai Blueberry Power Blast, this is evident in the pictures-where the Blueberry doesn’t make much of an appearance. 


Considering that the kids tried both, they thought I should make my choice in favorites, mine was the Power Rangers Samurai Blueberry Power Blast. I am a blueberry lover so that really wasn’t a big surprise. 

Since the kids had their favorite, it left more for me to have. Surprisingly, after all of the Power Rangers Samurai Berry Power Blast was gone-the kids then finished off the Blueberry Power Blast. 


“Cheeky” is just learning how to drink from a straw, and he really sucked these juices down. I don’t think he had a favorite! He loved both. 


Power Rangers Samurai Blueberry Power Blast “It is a delicious and naturally-flavored fruit punch containing, blueberry, acai berry and Concord grape juices with NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP!


It’s a fun and healthy alternative to other fruit juice beverages that are high in sugar, low in nutritional value and packed with empty calories. Each serving of Blueberry Power Blast is an excellent source of 5 vitamins and minerals that contain antioxidants.

Plus, it’s only 30 calories per serving and includes important B-vitamins and minerals to support natural energy and attentiveness. It also contains vitamin C and zinc to support a healthy immune system and vitamin D for strong bones.

There’s also acai juice plus a splash of DHA to help boost mood and memory. Find it in the refrigerated section by orange juice.

Finally! A fun and delicious kid’s juice that isn’t just a bunch of sugar water!


And the Power Rangers Samurai Berry Power Blast is naturally-flavored fruit punch infused with black cherries, raspberries, blackberries and goji berries. 
There’s also wild-harvested goji, which is known as the “happy berry” in Asia because of its positive influence on mood, and a splash of DHA, omega-3 (which is good fat!), to help support mood and memory. Find it in the refrigerated section. 


Genisis Today {the makers of the Power Rangers Power Juice} also specializes in other juices, chewables, suppliments, teas, and more. All of their products can be looked at on their website. 

The website also explains all the Superfruits, the benefits and their products associated with each one. I like that they have a little Q & A with each of them, so that you can learn what questions other customers had. 


All the kids loved the Power Rangers Juice boxes, not only because of the famous characters photographed on the front, but because they tasted good. They didn’t notice any difference between this healthier version and the sugar packed juices they normally drink.

As a mother I am glad that I am able to give them better choices, and have them enjoy healthy items, without sacrificing taste or price. I know that when we pass these juices in the store, without question they will be thrown into the cart.


Even Cheeky gives his approval of the Power Rangers Power Blast Juice. This is the same child that refuses to drink any juice, that is until now.

If you would like to learn more about Genesis and their products, you can find them in the following places;

Genesis Today Website

Genesis Today on YouTube

Like them on Facebook or follow on Twitter

****Disclosure I was given one or more products to review, usually stated within the review. The opinions and comments are entirely my own or my children’s, our opinions of a product are not swayed by how we obtained the product. All views expressed are completely honest and truthful.

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